
【  猫 の 十 戒  】
Cat Decalogue in Christ Jesus

You shall pay the closest attention when you cut my claw.

My claw is not for scratching you, but for protecting myself.

You shall mind with truly heart what I love to eat when I changed into a choosey eater.

I am an eater who eats only good for my health, am not you.

3)汝、我が寝姿がどんなに魅力的でも、そのまどろみを決して妨ぐべからず。You shall not disturb my forty winks no matter how attractive my sleeping figure is.

Or I will make some trouble even if you need them or not after the advance.

You shall not think that I am not the one who give glad-hand irrationally because of God created me such a noble one.

――私は、人の、“愛想を振りまくことのトレーナー”として神様に創られているのです。 The creation as your glad-hand trainer is I.

5)汝、我が幼少時と成猫時とを比較して、決して嘆く事なかれ。You shall never kick you and me after compared to me and my kitten age.

My character has only come from the days with you.

You shall not too sweeten up a kitten or a baby came after me just because it is cute.

――私にはあなたをよく理解している、という知恵があるのです。 A knowledge called “I know you very much” is in my brain.

7)汝、我が子らを全て愛するか、愛し続ける親を探すか、さもなくば、きちんとバースコントロール(避妊去勢手術)をすべし。You shall love all my child kittens, search sugar parent who loves them forever or get a handles before what happened; Neuter service.

God already has given you such knowledge, wisdom and economy.

You shall never forget that my most favourite is not a house or a garden, but my favourite is you who wear my aroma.

It won’t be changed by itself if you moved to a no-pets-allowed flat.

9)汝、我が姿を見る年数が片手の指の数、それから両手の指の数と順々埋めるようになったら、今まで以上に我が健康に気を使うべし。You shall take care of me more than my early time after counting my years using your hand then hands.

My quick body-recovery is to go to Heaven quicker than you.

10)汝、我先に天国のパーティに出掛けた後、流す涙の量は2Lを超えるべからず。You shall not waste of your tears over 2L after I go to a party in Heaven.

――私はあなただけが、私に対してベストを尽くしてくれた事を神様に報告しに行くのです。 I also go there to report our Lord Jesus Christ about you who had tried and done your best on me, and you were the only one to me.


